Monday, July 17, 2006

Garden Plan Decisions

This is a picture of part of a very small garden I designed in England. As you can see it contains various 'heathers' and miniature 'fir' trees. It's about 8 years old, here, I'd think.

The trees were slowgrowing, but after a few more years they grew until a decision had to be made - were they getting too big?

When you create a garden plan, you have to recognise that, hopefully, the plants will all grow and changes will need to be made - or some plants will over-shaddow and dominate others naturally.

It is hard to design a garden that will look good when it's planted and also 30 years later, without some plants needing to be added, or others getting swamped.

While the cedar (on the left) was small, this arrangement looked great ... about 12 years. But then the decision had to be made. What was most important? The cedar or the heathers?

Both were important to start with. They needed each other for interest.

Which would you choose? A magnificent cedar, or a collection of heathers?


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