Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Very Expensive Pond

I know that when there are very small children in a family it is unwise to have water features that they can drown in, and it doesn't take much depth, but as far as possible I try to have some sort of water feature in any garden design.

It's surprising how much soil you have to remove to put in a pond. I'll give some suggestions at another time as to what can be done with the material you remove.

The first and most essential thing to do before you start digging is to find out if there are any underground pipes that you can possibly hit.

If it's at all posssible to get in a small mechanical excavator - I suggest you do so, but if employing someone to use it, give them the plan of the pipes. Plans are usually available from the local council. Repairing broken pipes is very expensive!

Placing a pond where sewage pipes will run underneath or close by is often illegal. It's best to check local regualtions and do the right thing.

Pond Kits

Can't you just imagine relaxing by a pond like this pond from ?


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